If non-Latin fonts don’t appear correctly on Mac
In Language & Region settings, the order of the preferred languages in the list determines how text appears when you type characters that belong to more than one language in a script. Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean share many of the same characters, yet each character must appear correctly in the script you’re using. The Arabic script is used by many languages, but different countries or regions have unique conventions for writing their language using the Arabic script.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, click Generalin the sidebar, then click Language & Region on the right. (You may need to scroll down.)
In the Preferred Languages list, drag one or more languages to change the order.
If multiple languages are present, the language higher in the list takes precedence. For example, when Urdu is higher than Persian, Arabic characters default to using the Urdu (Nastaliq) forms for display.