Common Criteria (CC) certification status information
The U.S. scheme, operated by the National Information Assurance Project (NIAP), maintains a list of Products in Evaluation; this list includes products that are currently undergoing evaluation in the United States with a NIAP-approved Common Criteria Testing Laboratory (CCTL) and that have completed an Evaluation Kickoff Meeting (or equivalent) in which CCEVS management officially accepts the product into evaluation.
After products are certified, NIAP puts currently valid certifications on its Product Compliant list. After 2 years, these certifications are reviewed for conformance with the current assurance maintenance policy. After the assurance maintenance date has expired, NIAP moves the certification listing to its Archived Products list.
The Common Criteria portal lists certifications that can be mutually recognized under the Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CCRA). The CC portal may maintain products on the certified product list for 5 years; records are kept by the CC portal for archived certifications.
For questions about Apple Security and Privacy Certifications, contact security-certifications@apple.com.