Share Powerbeats Pro 2 heart rate data with third-party workout apps or equipment
Powerbeats Pro 2 earbuds feature in-ear heart rate monitoring (HRM) sensors that provide accurate, real-time metrics to help you track your fitness goals. When you work out with Powerbeats Pro 2, you can share your heart rate data with third-party fitness apps, such as Peloton or Open, or with compatible gym equipment (such as elliptical machines and exercise bikes). You can also view your heart rate data in the Apple Health app.
You must wear both earbuds to use heart rate monitoring.
On iPhone, go to your workout app, and connect to Apple Health. (This step is only necessary the first time you use your workout app with Apple Health.)
Start your workout.
Note: If you don’t see your heart rate data in your workout app, go to the Health app on your iPhone, tap Sharing, tap Apps (you may have to scroll down), tap your workout app, then turn on Heart Rate.
To stop heart rate monitoring, end your workout.
You can view your workout’s heart rate data in your workout app or in the Health app.
Note: If you’re wearing an Apple Watch during your workout (and your iPhone is paired to Powerbeats Pro 2), the Apple Watch heart rate monitor data is prioritized and shared with your workout app and the Health app.
Wear your Powerbeats Pro 2.
Note: You must wear both earbuds to use heart rate monitoring.
On your Powerbeats Pro 2, double-press then hold the “b” button on either earbud.
A tone plays when the Powerbeats Pro 2 heart rate sensors become discoverable.
Make sure Powerbeats Pro 2 are near your compatible fitness equipment, then choose Powerbeats HR as your heart rate sensor.
A tone plays when the sensors connect to your workout app or equipment. If necessary, follow any onscreen instructions to allow heart rate data sharing.
Note: If the sensors aren’t connecting, connect Powerbeats Pro 2 to your iPhone, go to Settings on iPhone, tap your Powerbeats Pro 2 near the top of the screen, then make sure Heart Rate Sensor is turned on. When Heart Rate Sensor is turned off, the Powerbeats Pro 2 in-ear sensors are inactive.)
Start your workout.
As you exercise, your heart rate data is shown on the equipment’s display (depending on the equipment).
Note: On your Powerbeats Pro 2, you can also double-press then hold the “b” button on either earbud to put the sensors in discovery mode.
Go to your workout app, or make sure Powerbeats Pro 2 are near your compatible fitness equipment, then choose Powerbeats HR as your heart rate sensor.
A tone plays when the sensors connect to your workout app or equipment. If necessary, follow any onscreen instructions to allow heart rate data sharing.
Start your workout.
As you exercise, your heart rate data is displayed in your workout app or the equipment’s display (depending on the equipment).
Tip: If you’ve added a Powerbeats Pro 2 widget to your Android device’s Home Screen, you can tap in the widget to start heart rate monitoring. See Add a Beats app widget.
Additional factors may affect the performance of the Powerbeats Pro 2 heart rate sensor, such as ambient temperature and other conditions. Heart rate measurements may be less accurate in low ambient temperatures.
iPhone: Go to Settings , tap the name of your Beats near the top of the screen, then tap See How It Works or Learn More.
Android device: Go to the Beats app, then tap “See how it works” or “Learn more.”
The heart rate data collected by Powerbeats Pro 2 is directly and securely shared with the Health app on iPhone. Powerbeats Pro 2 do not separately record or store your heart rate data. To stop heart rate monitoring, remove the earbuds or end your workout. You can also turn off heart rate monitoring.
To find out if a workout app you’ve downloaded is compatible with the Health app, see the Apple Support article about managing health data.
Note: When Powerbeats Pro 2 are connected to third-party equipment and heart rate monitoring is active, you can’t play audio from your iPhone to your Beats.
If you remove an earbud during your workout, heart rate monitoring is paused. Monitoring resumes once you place the earbud back in your ear.
For the best experience, clean your Powerbeats Pro 2 regularly. See the Apple Support article Clean and store your Beats.