Open documents and downloads from stacks
A stack is a folder shortcut in the Dock. It gives you fast, direct access to files in a folder. A stack can contain anything you can place in a folder. When you click a stack, it springs open. You can drag items in and out of stacks, just as you do with regular folders.
By default, the Dock comes with a Downloads stack so you can easily access items you download from the Internet, receive as attachments, or accept using AirDrop.

Open a stack: Click it in the Dock.
Open a file in a stack: Click it in the open stack.
Open the corresponding folder: Click Open in Finder.
Change a stack’s preferences: Control-click the stack, then select how files are sorted, whether the stack looks like a folder or stack, and how items in the stack are displayed.
Add a stack: Drag a folder to the right of the Dock’s separator line.