Edit a Session Player performance in Logic Pro for Mac
There are a number of settings in the Session Player Editor in Logic Pro for Mac that are common to all Session Players (Bass Player, Keyboard Player, and Drummer). You can access these settings using the Main button and Details button in the Session Player Editor.
For all Session Players, you can choose a pattern, edit the complexity and intensity of the performance, adjust the amount and complexity of fills, and edit swing settings and other performance settings. As you adjust the settings, they interact with each other, creating a near-endless number of performances. You can also quickly regenerate a performance without editing the settings in the editor.
Patterns form the rhythmic basis of a performance and are rough visualizations of performances. Each pattern represents a musical bar divided into sixteenth notes (dots). A brighter dot indicates the main accents for the Session Player to play or accentuate a note. The dimmer dots indicate probable accents when the complexity setting is higher. In addition to choosing a predefined pattern, you can also create your own pattern from scratch.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, drag the Complexity slider or Intensity slider to adjust the performance.
The higher you drag the respective slider, the greater the complexity or intensity of the performance.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, click the Patterns button to open the Patterns dialog, then choose a pattern.
Note: The Drummer features multiple Patterns buttons that allow you to choose different patterns for the various kit pieces. The patterns show multiple rows of dots for the different kit pieces, which you can mute. For the hi-hat, cymbal, toms, and percussion pieces, the brighter dots indicate stronger accents and the dimmer dots weaker accents.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, do any of the following:
To decrease or increase the number and length of fills: Drag the Fill Amount knob vertically.
To decrease or increase the complexity of the fills: Drag the Fill Complexity knob vertically.
Note: You can click the lock next to the Fill Amount knob to prevent any changes to the fill amount and fill complexity when switching presets or styles.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, do any of the following:
To adjust the shuffle feel of the currently playing pattern: Drag the Swing knob vertically.
To determine whether the swing is based on eighth notes or sixteenth notes: Click the 8th or 16th button.
Note: You can click the lock next to the Swing knob to prevent any changes to the swing setting when switching presets or styles.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, click the Details button, then do any of the following:
Drag the Feel knob up to have the Session Player play ahead of the beat or down to play behind the beat.
Drag the Dynamics knob vertically to adjust the range of the volume.
Drag the Humanize knob vertically to influence the quantization of patterns. The more to the right you turn the knob, the more rhythmically loose the performance becomes.
Choose an option from the Tempo pop-up menu to change how fast the rhythm is played.
Note: When you choose Automatic, the Session Player plays in half-time or double-time when the project tempo differs greatly from the default tempo of the style.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, choose Copy from the Preset pop-up menu.
Select the destination Session Player region in the Tracks area.
The Session Player Editor refreshes to show the currently selected region’s performance settings.
Choose Paste from the Preset pop-up menu.
The performance settings of the destination region are replaced with the settings of the copied region.
After you make changes to the Session Player’s performance, you can lock the performance settings to prevent any changes when switching styles.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, choose “Keep Settings when Changing Style” from the Preset pop-up menu.