Use the OneRoster Users template in Apple School Manager
Use the OneRoster Users template to import student, instructor, and staff accounts using SFTP. The person_id value must be unique for all locations. See Password policy scenarios.
Note: If federated authentication is turned on, an email address is required. Additionally, if the specified email address uses a federated domain, that email address must be unique. If the email address is in a federated domain, the user account will also be federated. See Intro to federated authentication.
Value | Description | Example | Required/Unique | ||||||||
sourcedId | The number used to uniquely identify this person in your SIS or other database. Use the same sourcedId value to refer to this person in .csv rosters and classes. | AE4A6BB3-8D97-446A-BAA9-EDEA892453D3 | Yes/Yes | ||||||||
status | The status of the person record. There are two options: “active” or “tobedeleted.” | active | No/No | ||||||||
dateLastModified | The date that this person’s information was last modified. Dates must be expressed using ISO 8601 format (more commonly formatted as YYYY-MM-DD). | 2024-06-26 | No/No | ||||||||
enabledUser | There are two options: “true” and “false.” True denotes that the person is active. False denotes that the person is active but system access is limited based on the local administration rules. | true | No/No | ||||||||
orgSourcedIDs | SourcedIds of the organizations to which this person belongs. In most cases, it’s expected that a person belongs to a single school. | 9P8O7I6U-5XCT-1WQ0-7F6G-3K2L1R6CVBMD | Yes/No | ||||||||
role | The role for this person. There are two options: “student” and “teacher.” If left blank, this person is automatically assigned the student role. | student | Yes/No | ||||||||
username | The user name for this person in your SIS or other school database. | eblock | Yes/No | ||||||||
userIDs | External machine-readable ID for this person (for example, an LDAP Id). The ID must be accompanied by a type to indicate the nature of the Identifier. | {LDAP:Id} {LDAP:Id},{LTI:Id},{Fed:Id} | No/No | ||||||||
givenName | The person’s first, or given, name. | Eliza | Yes/No | ||||||||
familyName | The person’s last, or family, name. | Block | Yes/No | ||||||||
middleName | The person’s middle name. | M | Yes/No | ||||||||
identifier | A badge number or ID number that identifies this person in your organization. Unlike sourcedId, identifier isn’t used to refer to this person in other .csv files. | 49 | Yes/Yes | ||||||||
The person’s email address. | eb@townshipschools.org | No/No | |||||||||
sms | SMS number for this person. | 888-555-1212 | No/No | ||||||||
phone | Phone number for this person. | 888-555-1212 | No/No | ||||||||
agentSourcedIDs | SourcedIds of the persons with whom this person has a relationship. If multiple IDs are required, then use double quotes and separate with commas. In most cases this indicates parental relationships. | AZP66BB3-8D97-446A-BQQ9-EDEA892453D3 | No/No | ||||||||
grades | The grade level associated with this person. | 9 | Yes/No | ||||||||
password | The password policy this person should use to sign in to their account. There are three options: “8” (Standard policy; this is the default), “6” (six-digit policy), and “4” (four-digit policy). This value overrides the Location password policy and any password policy previously set. If password is left blank in the .csv file, the default password policy for the students at the location can be set as follows:
| 8 | No/No |