View a Universal Scene Description (USD) file in Preview on Mac
USD (Universal Scene Description) is a format for three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics scene descriptions. USD files contain data about 3D graphic elements such as scene layout and the geometry and material appearance of models, animations, and virtual cameras. You can quickly load, explore, and export USD assets in Preview.
Note: USD files can be self-contained but often refer to other files that are needed to display the scene or asset. Don’t move the files out of the original folder, or you may not be able to view the scene.
Open a USD file
Go to the Preview app
on your Mac.
Choose File > Open.
Navigate to the folder that contains the file.
If you see a file that ends in .usd, .usda, or .usdc, open it.
Note: The folder may contain more than one USD file.
Explore a scene
You can use your mouse or trackpad to move through a scene, change the viewpoint, or examine objects.
Go to the Preview app
on your Mac.
Open the USD file you want to view.
Do any of the following:
Move left, right, up, or down: Press and hold the Option key, then click and drag. You can also swipe the top on a Magic Mouse, or swipe with two fingers on a trackpad.
Zoom in or out: Press and hold the Option key and swipe up or down on the mouse. You can also pinch with two fingers on a trackpad.
Select an object: Double-click the object to highlight it.
Tilt or rotate around a focus point: Drag the image.
Center the view on an object: Double-click the object to highlight it, then press the F key.
Some USD files contain predefined camera views. To view a gallery of them in the sidebar, choose View > Thumbnails, then click any of the thumbnails to go to the corresponding view. If you move the view, double-click the thumbnail to return it to the original location.
View an animation
Go to the Preview app
on your Mac.
Open the USD file you want to view. The animation plays automatically.
Move the cursor to the bottom of the view to show the animation controls. You can pause or play the animation, or scrub through it using the progress handle.
Inspect a scene
Go to the Preview app
on your Mac.
Open the USD file you want to inspect.
Do any of the following:
View the scene structure: Choose View > Table of Contents. To find individual objects, expand the tree view in the sidebar. To center the view on an object, double-click the object name.
Search for an object: In the search field, type all or part of the object name. A list of all matching objects appears in the sidebar as you type. Double-click an object to center the view on it.
Export a USD file as an image, USD file, or QuickTime movie
You can export a USD file in a variety of formats.
Go to the Preview app
on your Mac.
Open the USD file you want to export.
Choose File > Export.
Optionally, type a new filename in the Export As field.
Click the File Format pop-up menu, then do any of the following:
Save as a two-dimensional (2D) graphics file: Choose an image format.
Save as a USD file: Select Universal Screen Description.
Save as a QuickTime movie: Select QuickTime movie. This option is only available if the USD file contains an animation.
You can also share a USD file, or paste it into another document—such as an email message—as a 2D graphic.
Export parts of a scene as a separate USD file
Go to the Preview app
on your Mac.
Open the USD file that contains the objects you want to export.
Choose View > Table of Contents.
Control-click or Shift-click to select multiple objects in the sidebar.
Choose File > Export.
Optionally, type a new filename in the Export As field.
Select Universal Screen Description in the File Format pop-up menu.
Click Save.
Export a USD file as a PDF
Go to the Preview app
on your Mac.
Open the USD file you want to export.
Choose File > Export as PDF.
Optionally, type a new filename in the Save As field.
Click Save.