Rate or review a show in Podcasts on Mac
You can rate shows, read other listeners’ reviews, and leave a review of your own for any show.

In the Podcasts app on your Mac, click Shows in the sidebar, or search for a show. Select a show, scroll down to the Ratings & Reviews section near the bottom of the page, then do any of the following:
Rate a show: Click a star to select a rating. You can also hold the pointer over the stars, then click or drag to add or remove stars. (If you don’t see the option to rate a show, make sure you’re signed in to Podcasts.)
See all reviews: Click See All.
Read a review: Click the gray box that contains the review, or click “more.” To scroll through reviews, hold the pointer over a review, then click the Back button
or Forward button
on the left or right side of the screen.
Write your own review: Click Write a Review, write your review, then click Save. (If you don’t see the option to write a review, make sure you’re signed in to Podcasts.)
After you save a review, you can edit it—click Write a Review, make any changes, then click Save.
Note: You can’t rate or review an individual episode.