Change network settings on Mac
Change your Internet or network connection settings in Network System Preferences. Enter the settings you received from your ISP or network administrator.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Network.
Select a service, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi, in the list on the left.
If you don’t see the service you expect, click the Add button , choose an interface for the service, such as Ethernet or Wi-Fi, give the service a name, then click Create.
Enter the network settings for the service. Click Advanced to enter more detailed settings, if necessary.
If you change network settings frequently, you can save your settings as a network location, then quickly change your network settings by switching locations. See Use network locations.
Some network connection services, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, require specific hardware. Use System Information (located in Applications > Utilities) to make sure you have the required hardware installed to set up that service.