Open apps and documents
There are several ways to open apps and documents.
Open an app
Ask Siri: Click the Siri icon
in the menu bar (or use the Touch Bar), then say something like “Open Contacts.”
From the Dock: Click the app icon in the Dock.
From Launchpad: Click the Launchpad icon
in the Dock (or use the Control Strip), then click the app icon.
From Spotlight: Click the Spotlight icon
in the menu bar, enter the app’s name, then press Return.
From the Finder: Click the Finder icon in the Dock, click Applications in the Finder sidebar, then double-click the app icon.
From the Recent Items list: Choose Apple menu > Recent Items, then choose the app.
Open a document
Ask Siri: Click the Siri icon
in the menu bar (or use the Touch Bar), then say something like “Open my file kitchen remodel.”
From an app: For some apps, an Open dialog appears when you open the app. If you don’t see an Open dialog, choose File > Open. Locate the document (you may need to click the sidebar icon
to see additional folders), select it, then click Open.
In some apps, you can open recent documents by choosing File > Open Recent, then the document.
From the desktop: If there’s an icon for the document on the desktop, double-click the document’s icon.
From Spotlight: Click the Spotlight icon
in the menu bar, enter the document’s name, then double-click the document.
From the Finder: Click the Finder icon in the Dock. In the Finder sidebar, click Recents, iCloud Drive, Documents, or the folder where the document is located, then double-click the document’s icon or name.
From the Recent Items list: Choose Apple menu > Recent Items, then choose the document.
Note: To open documents in iCloud Drive, the iCloud Drive feature must be turned on. For more information, see Store your desktop and documents in iCloud Drive.