Set up and manage an iTunes Store account on PC
To buy items in the iTunes Store, you need an Apple ID. If you don’t have one, you can set one up using iTunes. If you’ve purchased items from the Apple website or ordered a photo book, or if you have an iCloud account, you already have an Apple ID.
Set up a new Apple ID through iTunes
In the iTunes app
on your PC, choose Account > Sign In.
Click Create New Apple ID and follow the onscreen instructions.
See the Apple Support article Create, manage, and use an Apple ID.
If you have a PayPal account, you can use that as your payment method when you enter your credit card information. (PayPal isn’t accepted for payment in some countries or regions.) See the PayPal website.
Sign in to or out of the iTunes Store
After you set up an Apple ID, you can sign in to the iTunes Store to buy music and video, view or change your account information, and see your purchase history.
When you finish using the store, you can sign out to prevent anyone else who has access to your computer from making purchases using your account.
In the iTunes app
on your PC, choose Account > Sign In (or Sign Out).
See the Apple Support article Sign in to the iTunes Store on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, PC, or Apple TV.
Change your account information
You can change your Apple ID name, password, or billing information at any time.
In the iTunes app
on your PC, choose Account > View My Account, then sign in.
Click Edit.
Make your changes, then click Done.
Your changes take effect immediately, and apply to all apps in which you use your Apple ID.
See the Apple Support article Change or remove your Apple ID payment information.
View your purchase history
Items you purchase from the iTunes Store are added to the Purchased playlist in iTunes.
In the iTunes app
on your PC, choose Account > View My Account, then sign in.
In the Account Information window, click See All (below Purchase History).
The purchase history shows purchases made using this account, with your most recent purchases shown first.
For more details about your purchases, do any of the following:
View details about a specific purchase: Click the arrow to the left of the order date.
View details about earlier or later purchases: Click the Previous or Next buttons above the purchase history.
See the Apple Support article See your purchase history in the App Store or iTunes Store.
If your purchase history seems incorrect, or you believe you’ve been charged for an item you didn’t buy, visit the iTunes for Mac or Windows Support website.