Organize email in Mail on iPod touch
In the Mail app , use mailboxes to manage your email.
Manage an email with a swipe
While viewing your email list you can use a simple swipe to move individual emails to the trash, mark them as read, and more.
To reveal a list of actions, slowly swipe an email to the left until you see the menu, then tap an item. To use the first action, quickly swipe all the way to the left.
Swipe right to reveal one other action.
To choose the actions you want to appear in the menus, go to Settings > Mail > Swipe Options.
Organize your mail with mailboxes
Tap Edit in the mailboxes list to create a new one, or rename or delete one. (Some mailboxes can’t be changed.)
There are several smart mailboxes, such as Unread, that show emails from all your accounts. Tap the ones you want to use.
Make a mailbox a favorite
Favorite mailboxes appear at the top of the Mailboxes list so you can access them easily. To designate a mailbox as a favorite, follow these steps:
Tap Edit while viewing the Mailboxes list.
Tap Add Mailbox, then select the mailbox to add.
Move or mark multiple emails
While viewing a list of emails, tap Edit.
Select some emails, then choose an action.
If you change your mind, shake iPod touch immediately to undo.
Show draft emails from all of your accounts
While viewing the Mailboxes list, tap Edit.
Tap Add Mailbox, then turn on the All Drafts mailbox.