Use VoiceOver to play and record Touch Instruments in GarageBand for iPhone
In GarageBand for iPhone, you can use VoiceOver gestures to choose a Touch Instrument in the Sound browser, start and stop playback and recording, and adjust the value of knobs and sliders. And when you turn on the Direct Touch accessibility feature, you can also play a Touch Instrument.
To learn more about recording Touch Instruments, see Record Touch Instruments in GarageBand for iPhone.
Choose a Touch Instrument in the Sound browser
When you first open GarageBand for iPhone or create a new song, the Sound browser opens. In the Sound browser, you can choose a Touch Instrument to play in your song.
In the Sound browser, swipe right repeatedly until you hear the name of a Touch Instrument button (for example, “Keyboard button”).
Do any of the following:
Navigate to another instrument: Swipe right or left with three fingers.
Navigate through quick options for that instrument: Swipe right or left.
Open a list of additional sounds for that instrument: Swipe right until you hear “More Sounds.”
Double tap to select the instrument you want to play.
The Touch Instrument opens.
Turn on Direct Touch
When the Direct Touch accessibility feature is on, you can play a Touch Instrument like the Keyboard or Drums in real time, just as you would when VoiceOver is off. Even when Direct Touch is on, you can still use VoiceOver gestures to interact with the nonplayable areas of the Touch Instrument, as well as the control bar and ruler. You can also use Direct Touch to control the Pitch and Mod wheels on some Keyboard Touch Instruments.
Do one of the following:
Choose a Touch Instrument from the Sound browser.
In Tracks view, navigate to the Instrument button in the control bar, then double-tap.
The Touch Instrument opens.
Navigate until you hear the name of the Touch Instrument.
If Direct Touch is off, the name of the Touch Instrument is followed by “Use the rotor to enable Direct Touch for this app.”
Turn the VoiceOver rotor to Direct Touch, then swipe up or down until you hear “Direct Touch on for GarageBand.”
Adjust knobs and sliders
Most Touch Instruments have controls like knobs and sliders to change parameter values. You can adjust these controls using VoiceOver gestures. When you navigate to such a control, VoiceOver announces that it’s adjustable.
Navigate to the knob or slider you want to adjust.
Do any of the following:
Change the parameter value: Swipe up or down.
Change the parameter value in smaller increments: Double-tap and hold until you hear three rising tones, then drag left or right.
VoiceOver announces the new value each time it changes.
Start and stop playback or recording
You can use a VoiceOver gesture to start and stop playback or recording, depending if a Touch Instrument or Tracks view is active.
Do one of the following:
When a Touch Instrument is active: Double-tap with two fingers to start or stop recording
When Tracks view is active: Double-tap with two fingers to start or stop playback
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