Verify your company in Apple Business Connect
Whether you are a company or a Third-Party Partner company or agency, you must verify them with Apple.
There are three ways you can verify your company:
Document Review: Upload documents such as a business license or utility bill that shows the company’s name and address.
Domain Validation: Add a TXT record to your DNS zone file.
App Store Connect (Not available to Third-Party Partners or agencies): Select the app associated with your company.
You can also ask that a coworker be the one to verify your company.
Verify your company
You have 14 days to verify your company. If necessary, you can send the verification task to a another person in your company.
Decide whom you want to verify your company.
If you want a coworker to verify, select “Contact a Coworker to Verify,” enter their email address, then select Send.
Important: If you’re sending the verification task to another person, make sure that any filters allow mail from all apple.com domains.
If you want to handle the verification yourself, continue this task.
Select your government ID type, then add that information.
This information is used for a one-time verification and isn’t stored on Apple servers. For more information on government ID types, see Government ID types accepted.
Verify your company through one of the following methods:
Document Review: Upload documents such as a business license or utility bill that shows this company’s name and address.
Domain Validation: See Verify your domain.
App Store Connect (Not available to Third-Party Partners or agencies): Select the app associated with your company.
Select Send to send your information to Apple for verification. The verification process can take up to 5 business days.
Do one of the following:
If you’re a Third-Party Partner or agency or if you don’t want to add your brand at this time, select Done.
If you want to add a brand now, see Add your brand.
Verify your domain
One way you can verify your company with Apple is to use domain verification. Domains (also known as domain names) designate the larger company rather than an individual location or brand. Domain names are registered and must be globally unique.
Domain verification ensures that your company and (if you use one) a Third-Party Partner—and no one else—to manage your content in Apple Business Connect. Apple verifies domain ownership by having a TXT record—a type of Domain Name System (DNS) record in text format added to your DNS zone file.
Important: You have only 14 calendar days to complete the verification process or you must start over. Depending on the network configuration, it may take some time for DNS changes to appear. Make sure you’ve notified the person in your company who can write records to your DNS entries (for example, your IT or DNS administrator) so the task can be completed before the expiration.
Domain conflicts
Only domains that haven’t been verified with Apple by another company can be added. If your domain can’t be verified, you must take additional steps to resolve which company is associated with a disputed domain name.
There are two types of domain conflicts:
A domain that’s registered by another company.
A domain that’s registered by another company and they’ve added the TXT record to verify they own the domain name.
For example:
Examples | The company that registered the domain name | Your company |
Example 1 | They registered betterbag.com. | Your company can send an email with contact information to the company that registered the domain name. |
Example 2 | They registered betterbag.com and verified it. | Your company can’t use the domain betterbag.com because it’s registered to that company and they verified it. |
In Example 1, your company can choose to send contact information (the name of the person requesting to be contacted, their email address, and the name of the company) to the company that registered the domain name. That company can choose whether or not to contact your company to resolve the domain claim.
In Example 2, your company can’t send anything to their company because the domain name is registered and they added the TXT record to verify they own the domain name. Therefore, your company can’t use the domain name.
Important: Apple doesn’t intervene in domain claims.
If you’re not already signed in to Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator.
If you’re the administrator for more than one company, select the appropriate company from the Company list
Select Domain Validation.
A TXT record appears and you receive an email saying that the domain you selected is now attempting to be verified. You have 14 calendar days to complete the verification process. The TXT record contains a string with random characters at the end, for example, “apple-domain-verification=RaNdOmLeTtErSaNdNuMbErS.”
Select the Copy button.
If you’re using one of the following services, see their documentation for pasting a TXT record into a zone file or contact your DNS administrator:
GoDaddy: Add a TXT record.
Google: Verify your domain with a TXT record.
Microsoft Entra ID: Add a TXT or MX record to verify you own the domain.
NameCheap: How do I add TXT/SPF/DKIM/DMARC records for my domain?
Network Solutions: How Do I Manage DNS and Advanced DNS Records?
Select “Text (TXT) Records or Sender Policy Framework (SPF) Records.”
If you have a different domain registrar, contact them for information on how to add a TXT record to your DNS zone file.
After you’ve added the DNS TXT record successfully, select Verify.
Depending on how your DNS cache is structured, the verification process can take up to 60 minutes.