Use VoiceOver to perform an item’s alternative action on Mac
Menu commands and other elements, such as buttons or tickboxes, may offer alternative actions.
Show actions for menu commands
Some menu commands may offer alternative actions when you press a modifier key.
Move the VoiceOver cursor to a menu command.
Hold down a modifier key.
If the command has an alternative action associated with that modifier, VoiceOver speaks it.
To perform the action, continue to hold the modifier key and press Enter, or press the other required keys.
Show actions for user interface elements
If an app or website developer has identified alternative actions for elements like buttons or tickboxes for screen readers, VoiceOver automatically announces them, so you can show and navigate to them.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier. See Use the VoiceOver modifier.
Show alternative actions: Press VO-Command-Space bar to open the Actions menu, then choose Show alternative items.
Show default items actions: Press VO-Command-Space bar to open the Actions menu, then choose Show default items.
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