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You can configure Apple TV to restrict access to data such as location and tracking, and you can set which apps get access to your photos, Bluetooth devices or HomeKit devices.
You can also set whether Apple TV collects analytics and improvements data while you use it.
Open Settings on Apple TV.
Go to General > Privacy, then do any of the following:
Set location services options: Select Location Services, then turn it on or off, or choose options for Siri and Dictation, Time Zone, HomeKit or individual apps that use location services.
Allow apps to ask permission to track you: Select Tracking, then turn Allow Apps to Ask to Track on or off.
Set which apps get access to your photos: Select Photos, then turn apps on or off in the list.
Set which apps get Bluetooth access: Select Bluetooth, then turn apps on or off in the list.
Set which apps get HomeKit access: Select HomeKit, then turn apps on or off in the list.
Set which third-party apps can access and remember preferences for Apple TV users: Select Apple TV Users, then turn App User Access on or off or select Reset User Access to remove any user-specific preferences from all third-party apps.
You can share analytics data with Apple or app developers in order to improve their software. Sharing this data is completely optional and treated in accordance with Apple’s Privacy Policy, which can be found at
Open Settings on Apple TV.
Go to General > Privacy.
Navigate down to Analytics And Improvements, then do any of the following:
Share Apple TV analytics with Apple: Turn on Share Apple TV Analytics.
Share analytics with app developers: Turn on Share with App Developers.
Help improve Siri and dictation by allowing Apple to store and review audio of your Siri and dictation interactions: Turn on Improve Siri & Dictation.
See analytics data: Select Analytics Data, then select a data file to view, share or delete.
Note: Siri and dictation may or may not be available, depending on the language you set for Apple TV. For more information, see the Apple Support article Use Siri on your Apple TV.