Show track automation curves in GarageBand on Mac
Before you can add automation points to a track’s automation curves, you need to show the track’s curves. Automation curves are displayed on top of audio and MIDI regions across the track, running the length of the project. Automation is represented by coloured curves and points.

After you show the track’s curves, you can choose which parameter you want to work with — Volume fader, Pan knob, or any parameters for added effects or available Smart Controls. You can work with multiple parameters on the same track. When selecting an automation parameter, its automation curve is displayed, which remains visible on the track once you've added automation points to it.
The master track has automation curves that let you automate volume and pan for the overall project. You can also automate effects settings for the master track using the master automation curves. To view and edit automation curves for the overall project, you need to show the master track.