The TRUNC function truncates a number to the specified number of digits. Both arguments are number values.
TRUNC(number, digits)
number: A number.
digits: An optional value specifying the number of digits you want to retain, relative to the decimal point. A positive number represents digits (decimal places) to the right of the decimal point to include. A negative number specifies digits to the left of the decimal point to replace with zeros (the number of zeros at the end of the number). If digits is omitted, it is assumed to be 0.
Examples |
=TRUNC(1.50, 0) returns 1 (the decimal portion is ignored). =TRUNC(1.23456, 3) returns 1.234 (everything after the third decimal position is ignored). =TRUNC(1111.222, –2) returns 1,100 (the last two positions to the left of the decimal are replaced with 0 (hundreds was specified) and the decimal portion is ignored). =TRUNC(-2.8, 0) returns -2 (the decimal portion is ignored). |