Flag and filter emails on iPod touch
In the Mail app , you can flag and filter your emails.
Flag an email
Email you flag remains in your Inbox, but also appears in the Flagged mailbox, making it easier to find later.
Tap while reading the email.
To change the color or shape of the flagged email indicator, go to Settings > Mail > Flag Style. To see the Flagged mailbox, tap Edit at the top of the Mailboxes list, then tap Flagged.
Flag emails from your VIPs
Add important people to your VIP list, so all their emails appear in the VIP mailbox.
When viewing an email, tap Details.
If you don’t see Details, tap Hide to show it.
Tap the sender’s name to display the contact info, then tap Add to VIP.
To change how notifications of emails from your VIPs appear, go to Settings > Notifications > Mail > VIP—you can choose an alert sound, badge, and banner style for notifications of incoming VIP emails.
Ask Siri. Say something like: “Any new mail from Nanditha today?” Learn how to ask Siri.
Get notified of replies to an email or thread
You can create mail notifications when reading or writing an email.
When reading an email: Tap
, then tap Notify Me.
When writing an email: Tap the Subject field, tap
in the Subject field, then tap Notify Me.
To change how notifications appear, go to Settings > Notifications > Mail > Thread Notifications.
Tip: Notifications can let you know when you receive emails in favorite mailboxes or emails from your VIPs. Go to Settings > Notifications > Mail.
Manage junk mail
Tap while you’re reading an email, then tap Move to Junk to file it in the Junk folder.
Tip: If you accidentally move an email, shake iPod touch immediately to undo.
Filter emails
Tap in the bottom-left corner to hide emails that don’t match the current filter. Tap again to turn the filter off.
To set up the filter, tap to turn on filtering, then tap “Filtered by.” You can filter by read or flagged status, by emails addressed to you, emails from VIPs, and other criteria.