Organize lists in Reminders on iPad
In the Reminders app , you can arrange your reminders in lists and groups. Quickly see reminders that are due today, scheduled, flagged, or assigned to you. You can also easily search all your lists for reminders that contain specific text.

Note: All Reminders features described in this guide are available when you use upgraded reminders. Some features aren’t available when using other accounts.
Create, edit, or delete lists and groups
You can organize your reminders into lists and groups of lists such as work, school, or shopping. Do any of the following:
Create a new list: Tap Add List, choose an account (if you have more than one account), enter a name, then choose a color and symbol for the list.
Create a group of lists: Tap Edit, tap Add Group, enter a name, then tap Create. Or drag a list onto another list.
Rearrange lists and groups: Touch and hold a reminder, list, or group, then drag it to a new location. You can even move a reminder to a different list or move a list to a different group.
Change the name and appearance of a list or group: Swipe left on the list or group, then tap
Delete a list or group and their reminders: Swipe left on the list or group, then tap
See reminders that are due today, scheduled, flagged, or assigned to you
Reminders are automatically organized in the default Smart Lists:
Today: See reminders scheduled for today and overdue reminders.
Scheduled: See reminders scheduled by date or time.
Flagged: See reminders with flags.
Assigned to Me: See reminders assigned to you in shared lists.
Siri Suggestions: See suggested reminders detected in Mail and Messages.
All: See all your reminders across every list.
To show, hide, or rearrange the default Smart Lists, tap Edit.
Sort and reorder reminders in a list
Sort reminders by due date, creation date, priority, or title: (not available in the All and Scheduled Smart Lists) In a list, tap
, tap Sort By, then choose an option.
To reverse the sort order, tap
, tap Sort By, then choose a different option, such as Newest First.
Manually reorder reminders in a list: Touch and hold a reminder you want to move, then drag it to a new location.
The manual order is saved when you re-sort the list by due date, creation date, priority, or title. To revert to the last saved manual order, tap
, tap Sort By, then tap Manual.
When you sort or reorder a list, the new order is applied to the list on your other devices where you’re using upgraded reminders. If you sort or reorder a shared list, other participants also see the new order (if they use upgraded reminders).
Search the reminders in all of your lists
In the search field above the reminder lists, enter a word or phrase.