Type Cantonese using Phonetic - Cantonese on Mac
After you set up the Phonetic - Cantonese input source, you can enter Cantonese characters using phonetic input codes.
Enter Cantonese characters using Phonetic - Cantonese
On your Mac, switch to the Phonetic - Cantonese input source.
In an app, do any of the following:
Enter phonetic input: Type the input codes for the characters you want to use, then select the characters in the candidate window. Multiple phonetic standards are supported. For example:
To enter 你好, type “neihou” or “leihou”.
To enter 出發啦, type “ceotfaatlaa” or “cheutfaatla”.
To enter 謝先生, type “zesinsaang”, “tsesinsaang”, or “jesinsaang”.
Enter full phonetic input: Type the input codes for the characters you want to use, then select the characters in the candidate window. For example, to enter 食飯, type “sikfaan”.
Use an apostrophe to separate syllables that have ambiguous parsings. For example, to enter 食, type “sik” and to enter 時期, type “si’k”.
Enter abbreviated phonetic input: Type the consonant of each syllable in an input code, then select characters in the candidate window. For example, to enter 恭喜發財 (the input codes are gung, hei, faat, and coi), type “ghfc”.
You can use both full and abbreviated phonetic input in the same conversion. For example, if you type “gungheifc” (with “faatcoi” abbreviated to “fc”), the result is still 恭喜發財.
Enter English words: Enter an English word, then select the word in the candidate window. For example, type “ipad”, then select the word in the window. Proper nouns are automatically capitalized.
Show the keyboard layout: Click the Input menu in the menu bar, then choose Show Keyboard Viewer.
Enter Cantonese characters using Stroke with Phonetic - Cantonese
On your Mac, switch to the Phonetic - Cantonese input source.
In an app, use a prefix key (U), followed (without a space) by the stroke input code for a character. For example, you can type the following:
Keyboard key
If you type “Unnzzsh”, you get 字 as the first candidate.
You can also add words to your user dictionary to save time when you need to type the same word again.
You may need to change settings, for example, to show predictive completions or to change the orientation of the candidate window.