Create a campaign
When you sign in to Workbench, you’ll see a list of your ad campaigns on Apple News that are being set up to run, are currently running, or have ended.
To start a new ad campaign:
Sign in to Workbench using your Apple Account.
Click Create Campaign.
Select a campaign type: Direct Sold or House.
Enter a name for your campaign and a reference number (optional).
Enter an order number (optional). Note that order numbers can be used to track any reference IDs related to campaigns.
Enter the advertiser’s name.
Select from Campaign categories and subcategory.
Note that the ads you assign to this campaign must match the campaign category and subcategory for Apple to approve the campaign.
Enter the campaign frequency cap.
Note that this is an optional custom setting at the campaign level. A campaign could run the risk of being under-delivered if this setting is aplied. If the campaign frequency cap is customized, and is lower than than line frequency cap, the campaign frequency cap will be applied. Forecasting takes into account the frequency cap settings of an individual line or the campaign, depending on which is lower, but not all lines within the campaign. Additionally, frequency capping at the campaign level only applies for standard line deliveries. It doesn’t apply for takeover line deliveries.
Select the campaign time zone where you want the campaign to run. If you don’t select a time zone, your account’s default time zone will apply.
Note that the time zone you select for a campaign cannot be changed after the campaign starts running.
Enter any relevant campaign notes for reference in reporting (optional).
Click Save or Next.
When you first set up an ad campaign, specify lines. This can include target audiences and ad types. See Set up targeting. You’ll then need to specify the ads. If you don’t already have ads for the campaign, you need to create ads and submit them.
Campaign submission
Once you’ve finished setting up your campaign, the campaign summary will display. You can make changes before submitting your campaign.
To submit your campaign, click Submit at the bottom-right corner of the Campaign Summary page. On the date your campaign begins, the status changes to Running. When the campaign ends, the status changes to Completed.