- x
Follow these guidelines when you use the letter x to stand for something else:
Screen resolutions: Use a lowercase x in screen resolutions.
1024 x 768 [Note the space before and after the x.]
As a placeholder (variable): When you use x as a placeholder for replaceable numbers, the x is lowercase and in regular text.
$02xx [The x’s represent a range of memory addresses.]
For a range of version numbers: Except in developer materials, don’t use x to express a range of software version numbers, as in 10.x; use a specific number or range of numbers.
To designate speed: For the speed of optical drives, use a lowercase x—for example, 24x speed. There’s no space between the numeral and the x.
See also dimensions; version number.
- x and y axes
- x and y coordinates
No hyphen. See also x-coordinate; y-coordinate.
- x-axis
Note hyphenation. See also x and y axes.
- x-coordinate
Note hyphenation. See also x and y coordinates.