Use one keyboard and mouse to control Mac and iPad
With Universal Control, you can use the keyboard and mouse (or trackpad) of your Mac to control up to two other nearby Mac or iPad devices. Each device shows its own screen and apps, and you can drag and drop between them, move the pointer between screens and enter text on any device using your keyboard.
Before you begin
Make sure of the following:
All devices have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth®, Handoff and two-factor authentication turned on.
You’re signed in to the same Apple Account on all devices.
The devices must be within 10 metres (30 feet) of each other.
All devices meet minimum system requirements for Universal Control.
If your Mac doesn’t have a built-in trackpad or keyboard, you must connect a keyboard and mouse or trackpad to your Mac. To connect an Apple keyboard, mouse or trackpad, see Pair an Apple wireless keyboard, mouse or trackpad with Mac.
Set up Universal Control
To connect your Mac and up to two other Mac or iPad devices with Universal Control, make sure both devices are awake and unlocked, then do one of the following:
On your Mac, use your mouse or trackpad to move the pointer to the right or left edge of the screen, whichever is closest to your other device. Pause, then move the pointer slightly past the edge of the screen. When a border appears at the edge of the other device, continue moving the pointer to the other device’s screen.
On your Mac, click
in the menu bar, click Display, then choose your other device below “Link keyboard and mouse to”. Then use your mouse or trackpad to move the pointer past the edge of the Mac screen until it appears on your other device.
After you establish a connection, you can move the pointer across screens until one of your devices goes to sleep or you disconnect them.
Use your Mac keyboard and mouse or trackpad with your iPad
Many actions and gestures that you can do on your iPad with an external mouse or trackpad also work with your Mac mouse or trackpad. See Mouse actions and gestures for iPad and Trackpad gestures for iPad.
With your Mac keyboard, you can also use many iPad features available with external keyboards. See the keyboard topics in the Accessories chapter, beginning with Switch between keyboards with iPad.
Change the screen arrangement between your devices
The direction in which you move the pointer when establishing the Universal Control connection determines which side of the display you use to move the pointer across devices.
You can adjust the arrangement of your devices.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Displaysin the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.) On the right, scroll down, then click Arrange.
Drag the image of the other device(s) to the desired position.
Disconnect your Mac from another device
You can disconnect your Mac and iPad to temporarily stop using using Universal Control.
Do one of the following:
On your iPad: Press the top button on your iPad to put it to sleep.
On your Mac: Click
in the menu bar, click Display, then deselect your iPad or other Mac, below “Link keyboard and mouse to”.
Stop your Mac and other devices from automatically connecting
After you set up Universal Control, your Mac and iPad or another Mac automatically reconnect whenever they’re close to each other and their screens are unlocked. To stop your Mac and iPad or another Mac from automatically connecting, you can turn off this option on your Mac.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Displays in the sidebar (you may need to scroll down).Click Advanced, then turn off “Automatically reconnect to any nearby Mac or iPad”.
Turn off Universal Control
You can turn off Universal Control to prevent your Mac from connecting to other nearby devices.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, click Displays in the sidebar (you may need to scroll down), then click Universal Control.Click Advanced, then do one of the following:
Turn off all Universal Control connections: Turn off Allow your pointer and keyboard to move between any nearby Mac or iPad.
Prevent a connection when moving the pointer to the edge of the screen: Turn off Push through the edge of a display to connect to a nearby Mac or iPad.
If Universal Control isn’t working
Make sure you’re signed into the same Apple Account on both devices.
Make sure both devices have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Handoff and two-factor authentication turned on and are on the same Wi-Fi network.
Make sure that your devices are within 10 metres (30 feet) of one another,
For more troubleshooting tips, see the Sidecar system requirements in the Apple Support article Universal Control: Use a single keyboard and mouse between Mac and iPad.
You can set an option to temporarily disable Universal Control whenever you zoom in on the screen of your Mac, so it’s easier to zoom in along the edge of the screen. See Change Zoom advanced options for accessibility.