Import data and settings from other Logic Pro for Mac projects
You can import data from another project including track content (regions and folders), plug-ins (including settings), sends (including level, routing, and destination channel strips), Input/Output assignments, automation, and track notes.
In the All Files Browser, you can choose which data to import in the Track Import view, and whether to add the data to new tracks in your current project, or replace existing data.
You can also import the following project settings from another project:
Transform sets
Hyper sets
Score sets, staff styles, text styles, and settings
Sync settings
Metronome settings
Record settings
Tuning settings
Audio settings
MIDI settings
Movie settings
Asset settings
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Choose File > Import > Logic Projects.
Click All Files in the Browser.
Locate and select the project from which you want to import data.
If using the Import dialog, the Import button becomes active.
If using the Browser pane, an Import button appears at the bottom-right corner of the pane.
Click the Import button, or double-click the project file.
The All Files Browser updates to show a Track Import view.
Select the data that you want to import by selecting the relevant checkboxes. You can filter which tracks or channel strip types are displayed using the buttons above the Track Import table.
Num(ber): Shows the track number. No number is displayed for channel strips that do not appear in the Tracks area. Folder tracks are also displayed with an entry such as 3-1, where 3 is the track number and 1 is the folder number. You can double-click a folder track to reveal its contents at the next level. Note that take folder tracks are imported with all takes and comps.
Name: Shows the track or channel strip name as it appears in the source project.
Type: Shows the track or channel strip type.
Content: Use to import the region or folder contents of a track. In the case of folder tracks, you can double-click a folder to access its individual tracks.
Cells: Use to import any Live Loops cells in the project.
Plug-ins: Use to import any plug-ins and their settings, inserted in a channel strip. The plug-ins are listed in their insertion order, from the top down. For software instrument channel strips, instrument plug-ins are also imported.
Sends: Use to import any sends inserted in a channel strip, including level, routing, and all destination channel strips.
I/O: Use to import the I/O settings of a channel strip.
Note: In the case of software instrument channel strips, importing I/O settings does not include the instrument plug-in. See the Plug-ins entry above.
Auto: Use to import track automation data.
Notes: Use to import track-specific notes.
Tip: You can customize the Column view by Control-clicking the table header, then showing or hiding the columns. You can also change the column order by dragging the column headers. These settings are automatically stored with the Logic Pro settings when Logic Pro is closed, and apply to all projects.
Tip: Press the Right Arrow key to select all checkboxes of the selected line, or the Left Arrow key to deselect them.
Do one of the following:
To add the selected data to the current project: Click the Add button (or press and hold Command while pressing the Down Arrow key).
The tracks are added below the selected track in the Tracks area.
To replace the data of the currently selected track with the selected data from the other project: Click the Replace button.
Note: The Replace function only works when data on a single row is selected—not with multiple row selections.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Choose File > Project Settings > Import Project Settings (or use the corresponding key command, default: Option-Command-I).
Click All Files in the Browser.
Locate and select the project from which you want to import settings, then click Import.
Note: If accessing the settings from the Browser pane, you also need to click the Import Project Settings button, which appears after you click the Import button.
In the Import Settings dialog, choose the settings you want to import by selecting the relevant checkboxes, then click Import.
The settings are imported into the active project.