Hear Apple Vision Pro speak the text in your view and provide typing feedback
Even if VoiceOver is turned off, you can have Apple Vision Pro speak selected text or all the text in your view. Apple Vision Pro can also provide feedback and speak text corrections and suggestions as you type.
Change the speech settings
Go to Settings
> Accessibility > Spoken Content.Adjust any of the following:
Speak Selection: To hear text you selected, tap the Speak button.
When you turn Speak Selection on, you can also choose to highlight text being spoken.
Speak Screen: To hear an app, tap the button above the top-right corner of app windows. You can use the controls to pause, adjust playback speed, and skip back and forth between lines or sections.
Highlight content: Turn on to highlight content as it is spoken.
Turn on Speak Selection to see this option.
Typing Feedback: You can configure typing feedback for the virtual and Magic Keyboard and choose to have Apple Vision Pro speak each character, entire words, auto-corrections, auto-capitalisations and typing predictions.
To hear typing predictions, you also need to go to Settings > General > Keyboards, then turn on Predictive.
Voices: Choose a voice and dialect.
Speaking Rate: Drag the slider.
Pronunciations: Dictate or spell out how you want certain phrases to be spoken.
Spatialise Speech: Hear speech in spatial audio.
Hear Apple Vision Pro speak
Do any of the following:
Hear selected text: Select the text, then tap Speak.
Hear typing feedback: Start typing. To hear typing predictions (when turned on), pinch and hold each word.