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Turn VoiceOver on or off on Mac
Turn VoiceOver on or off at any time.
Press Command-F5. If VoiceOver is on, pressing the keys turns it off.
Use Siri. Say something like: “Turn VoiceOver on” or “Turn VoiceOver off.” Learn how to ask Siri.
If your Mac or Magic Keyboard has Touch ID, press and hold the Command key while you quickly press Touch ID three times. If VoiceOver is on, pressing the Command key and Touch ID turns it off.
You can also turn VoiceOver on or off using the Accessibility Options shortcut panel. To show it, press Option-Command-F5 or, if your Mac or Magic Keyboard has Touch ID, quickly press Touch ID three times. In the shortcut panel, press the Tab key until you hear the VoiceOver option, then press the Space bar.