View node properties for a DOM node
The Node view in the details sidebar of the Elements tab shows information relating to the selected element node, which includes DOM Identity, Attributes, Properties, Event Listeners, and Accessibility information.
Open Node view
In the details sidebar of the Elements tab, click Node.
Node view is divided into five sections:
Identity: Lists the type and tag name of the selected DOM Node.
Attributes: Lists all node attributes for the selected DOM node. To copy a row or the entire table of attributes, Control-click a row and choose Copy Row or Copy Table from the shortcut menu.
Properties: Lists all properties of the selected DOM node that are accessible from JavaScript. Properties are grouped in sections according to the JavaScript prototype object from which they are derived. Each prototype section lists the properties that it contributes in an object tree. Attributes and other properties not associated with a prototype are grouped in the first prototype section. The selected node instance is shown first. After this section are sections for each of the prototypes in the object's prototype chain (e.g. HTMLDivElement, HTMLElement, Element, Node, EventTarget, Object).
Event Listeners: Lists event listeners that may execute when a DOM event fires at the selected DOM element. The listeners in this section are organized by the DOM event that could fire for it. Each event listener includes a link to its associated DOM element, a link to the JavaScript code that added the event listener, and the event listener's type (capturing or bubbling).
By default, this section always shows all listeners for all events from the selected element up to the root element of the document. Group these listeners in reverse ancestor order (i.e., all listeners for selected element, then its parent, and lastly the root element) or by event type. To toggle, use the
filter button in the Event Listeners section header.
Accessibility: Shows how the selected DOM element is exposed to assistive technologies such as VoiceOver. These properties include the computed ARIA role, ARIA label, and the accessibility parent and children of the element.
Click on node links in the Node view of the details sidebar to select the linked element in the DOM tree outline.