Alchemy browser results list in MainStage
Shown in browse view, the browser results list displays all presets matching the current search criteria. A number of columns are shown from left to right.

Browser results list parameters
Category column: Shows preset categories.
Subcategory column: Shows subcategories of preset categories.
Attributes columns: Show the articulation, Genre, Newer Than, Older Than, Sound Designer, Sound Library, Timbre, or User Tags attributes. Click column headers to choose an attribute from a pop-up menu.
Attributes are used to refine the preset results list and to apply attributes to presets when in Edit mode.
Tip: Combine Attributes columns such as Newer Than and Sound Designer to show presets that you created within a date range, without also showing supplied presets installed in the same date range.
Rating column: Shows user ratings. Click the column header to sort the results list. A second click reverses the current sort order.
The highest rated presets appear first in the list. User-rated presets always take precedence over unrated presets. Three dim stars indicate that a preset has not yet been rated.
Preset column: Shows preset names. Click the column header to sort the results list. A second click reverses the current sort order.
The number of presets returned by the current search criteria is displayed to the right of the Preset column header.
Comments field: Shows preset comments.
User Tags field: Shows existing user tags.
User Tags button: Open a pop-up menu with commands for creating and deleting user tags. A list of existing user tags is shown below the menu commands.
Edit button: Open an enlarged view of the Preset browser window that provides text entry fields for user tags and comments.
Close button: Closes the enlarged view of the Preset browser window.
Search field: Use to type a search term for presets.