Share purchases with your family
As a family member, you have immediate access to purchases that other family members share with each other. You can download their purchases on your devices at any time. You can let other family members access your purchases the same way. You can hide individual purchases you don’t want other family members to share.
Before you can share family purchases, you must join a family.
For information about changing Family Sharing settings using an iOS device, see the Apple Support article Share iTunes, App Store, and iBooks Store purchases with Family Sharing.
View and download purchases made by other family members
Go to the Purchased section of the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store.
In iTunes: Choose Account > Family Purchases (or Account > Sign In).
In App Store: Click Purchased in the toolbar.
In iBooks: Choose Store > Store Home, then click Purchased below Quick Links on the right.
Click your name (iTunes Store or iBooks Store), or click My Purchases (App Store), next to Purchased near the top-left corner, then choose a family member to view their purchases.
Download the items you want.
When a family member initiates a purchase, it’s billed directly to the family organizer’s account. Once purchased, the item is added to the initiating family member’s account and is shared with the rest of the family. If the organizer ever stops Family Sharing, each person keeps the items they chose to purchase—even if they were paid for by the family organizer. For information about iCloud storage upgrade purchases, see Manage iCloud storage.
Hide a purchase from other family members
You can hide your individual iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store purchases so they aren’t available to other family members.
Go to the Purchased section of the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store.
In iTunes: Choose Account > Family Purchases (or Account > Sign In).
In App Store: Click Purchased in the toolbar.
In iBooks: Choose Store > Store Home, then click Purchased below Quick Links on the right.
Do one of the following:
In iTunes: Select the type of content you want to hide, place the pointer over the item you want to hide, then click its Remove button
In App Store: Control-click the item you want to hide, then choose Hide Purchase from the shortcut menu.
In iBooks: Place the pointer over the item you want to hide, then click its Remove button
Stop hiding a purchase
You can reveal individual iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store purchases that you have hidden so that they are available to other family members.
Go to the Account Information section of the iTunes Store, the App Store, or iBooks Store.
In iTunes: Choose Account > View My Account (or Account > Sign In).
In App Store: Choose Store > View My Account. If you don’t see that menu command, choose Store > Sign In.
In iBooks: Choose Store > View My Apple ID. If you don’t see that menu command, choose Store > Sign In.
Scroll down to the iTunes in the Cloud section (iTunes Store or iBooks Store) or the Hidden Items section (App Store), then, to the right of Hidden Purchases, click Manage.
Do one of the following:
In iTunes: Select the type of hidden content you want to reveal, locate the item you want to reveal, then click Unhide next to the item.
In App Store: Locate the item you want to reveal, then click Unhide next to the item.
In iBooks: Locate the item you want to reveal, then click Unhide next to the item.
Stop sharing your purchases
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click iCloud.
Click Manage Family, click your name on the left, then deselect “Share my purchases” on the right.
Share purchases using a different Apple ID
You can change the Apple ID you use for the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store purchases that you share with your family. You can change this Apple ID once every 90 days. Your family will only be able to download music, movies, TV shows, books, and apps purchased with your new Apple ID. Items they downloaded previously may stop working until they’re repurchased.
Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click iCloud.
Click Manage Family, click your name on the left, click Change on the right, then follow the onscreen instructions.
After you change the Apple ID, your family receives an email informing them of the change.
Note: To share purchases, family members must be in the same iTunes Store country. If a family member changes their iTunes Store country or region, that person might lose access to other family members’ purchases, and installed apps that were shared from other family members might not work. For more information, see the Apple Support article Change your iTunes Store country or region.