Find new music with Apple Music on iPod touch
In the Music app , browse new and noteworthy music, music videos, playlists, and more.
Browse Apple Music
Tap Browse, then do any of the following:
Explore featured music: Swipe through featured songs and videos at the top of the Browse screen.
Browse playlists created by music experts: Tap one of the many playlists created by music experts.
Listen to the top songs from around the world: Tap one of the Daily Top 100 playlists. These playlists reflect the day’s most popular songs in countries across the globe.
Play music that matches your mood: Tap a mood, such as Feel Good, Romance, or Party, then tap a playlist.
See what’s hot: Tap a song under the Hot Tracks heading. Swipe left to see more songs, or tap See All.
Explore new music: Swipe through the songs found under New Music.
Browse your favorite genres: Tap Genres, choose a genre, then tap a featured playlist, song, album, artist, radio station, or music video to enjoy music handpicked by music experts.
Play the day’s most popular songs: Tap Top Charts, then tap a song, playlist, album, or music video to play it. Tap All Genres at the top of the screen to see the top songs and music videos in a genre you choose.
Watch music videos: Tap Music Videos, then tap a featured music video or playlist of music videos.
Listen to tracks from upcoming albums: Tap an album under Coming Soon, then tap an available song to play it.