Organize files and folders in iCloud Drive on iCloud.com
You can organize files and folders in iCloud Drive.
If you’re trying to organize a shared file or folder, see Add or remove shared files and folders in iCloud Drive on iCloud.com.
Create a folder
Go to icloud.com/iclouddrive, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
in the iCloud Drive toolbar.
If you don’t see the button, make sure you’re not viewing the Recents or Recently Deleted folder. See View files and folders in iCloud Drive.
Tip: To add a folder inside an existing folder, navigate to the existing folder before clicking
Move an item to a folder
Go to icloud.com/iclouddrive, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
Select any files and folders that you want to move to another folder, then click
in the top-right corner.
Click Move to Folder, select a folder, then click Move.
You can also move files by dragging them to the folder icon. If you want to move a file to a parent folder, drag the item to the small folder icon at the bottom of the iCloud Drive window.
You can only move a file into an app’s folder if the app can open the file. For example, a file you move to the Pages folder must be a Pages document, Word document, or other kind of file Pages can open.