Enter data using forms in Numbers on iPad
A quick way to enter data into a table is to use a form. Forms are particularly useful when all of the rows in your table contain the same kind of information, such as when you’re collecting contact information, entering inventory, or recording class attendance. You can also collaborate with others to create and edit forms in shared spreadsheets.
Each form you create is linked to a specific table in your spreadsheet. In the form, each row of your table is shown as a record, and each column corresponds with a field. Any changes you make in the form are made in the table, and vice versa.
You can create a form for almost any table in your spreadsheet, or you can start with a blank form and Numbers automatically creates a table for you.
Note: Forms are hidden in spreadsheets that are opened in Numbers on Mac or on iCloud.com.

When you have a form tab selected, a flag appears on the tab containing the table the form is linked to. When you select a table that is linked to a form, a flag appears on the form tab.
Tip: You can use your finger or Apple Pencil to write in form fields. See Turn handwriting into text.