If the wrong app opens when you insert a CD or DVD into Mac
If the wrong app opens when you insert a CD or DVD into an external optical drive, you may need to adjust the CDs & DVDs settings or the settings of the app that’s opening. Also, the CD or DVD may not be the type you think it is.
You may need to choose what happens when you insert a disc. Choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click CDs & DVDsin the sidebar (you may need to scroll down). Choose the actions you want from the pop-up menus on the right.
Note: If you don’t have an optical drive connected to your Mac, CDs & DVDs settings aren’t available.
The disc you’re inserting may not be the type of disc you thought it was. For example, an app may not consider a CD that contains MP3 files to be an audio CD if you created the disc in the Finder.