If a webpage or link won’t open on Mac
If you can’t open a webpage or link on your Mac, try these suggestions:
Check the message that appears when a page fails to open. It may provide important information for solving the problem.
The website may be unavailable temporarily. Try again later.
Make sure you have the correct address for the webpage and that you typed it correctly.
Your web browser may not be able to open a webpage because it doesn’t recognize the first part of the address, which identifies the Internet Protocol (such as HTTP or HTTPS). Try deleting the Internet Protocol from the address. (For example, if the address is “https://www.example.com,” change it to “www.example.com.”)
If you’re trying to open a webpage using a Bonjour address, make sure the page is on the same subnet as your computer.
If you connect to the Internet through a corporate or enterprise network, the network may have a firewall that prevents you from opening the webpage. Contact your network administrator for help.
Try entering /index.html or /index.htm at the end of the address.
Some websites prevent using a browser they do not recognize. Contact the administrator of the website to find out if it prevents using some browsers.