Play a presentation over the internet in Keynote on Mac
You can use Keynote Live to play your presentation over the Internet so everyone you give access to can view it at the same time — on their own devices, wherever they are. As the presenter, you control when the presentation starts and stops.
People you invite to view the presentation can watch it on a Mac or Windows computer, an iPhone, iPad or another mobile device. Viewers need to have a web browser or the latest version of the Keynote app on a Mac (with macOS Sierra 10.12 or later), an iPhone (with iOS 10 or later) or an iPad (with iOS 10 or iPadOS 13, or later). Viewers don’t need iCloud accounts.
Note: If you’re using a videoconferencing app on your Mac, you can also play a presentation in a window that you can share with the meeting’s participants. See Present in a window.
Show your presentation to viewers anywhere
in the toolbar.
Click Continue.
A Keynote Live link is created for your presentation.
Click Invite Viewers, then do one of the following:
Send an invitation with Mail, Messages, AirDrop or an Internet service: Click the name of the service, enter the requested information, then send or post the invitation. (To invite anyone near you who’s on the same Wi-Fi network, you can use AirDrop. To use any other service, you must first set up that account on your Mac. Go to System Preferences, then click Internet Accounts.)
Copy the presentation link to share it in another way: Choose Copy Link, click where you want the link to appear (such as a social networking site, a blog or a chat), then choose Edit > Paste (from the Edit menu at the top of your screen).
A link to the presentation appears in the body of the email, tweet or post — make sure you don't delete or modify it.
To create a Keynote Live password so that only viewers with the link and the password can watch the presentation, click More Options, select “Require password”, enter the requested information, then click Set Password.
Make sure you send the password to everyone you invited.
Note: This password is required only for viewing the presentation on Keynote Live, and it’s different from passwords you can set to open the presentation and exit the presentation.
If your viewers are ready to watch, click Play Now. Otherwise, click Play Later.
If you click Play Later, you can continue to edit your presentation, invite more viewers, and add or change the Keynote Live password. When you’re ready to present, click
in the toolbar, then click Play on Keynote Live.
Tip: To view the link to the presentation at any time, click
in the toolbar, then click More Options.
When you use Keynote Live to show a presentation, recorded narrations don’t play. When you use Keynote Live to show a presentation and you use your iPhone or iPad as a remote, you can’t use the highlighting feature to draw on slides.
Important: If you previously shared this presentation and allowed others to edit it, they can continue to make edits while you present on Keynote Live. However, Keynote Live viewers won’t see the new changes unless you stop and restart the presentation (by pressing Esc, clicking in the toolbar, then clicking Play on Keynote Live). Nobody but you can use Keynote Live to show a presentation that you own, even if you’ve shared the presentation with participants.
Invite more viewers
Before you start playing your presentation using Keynote Live, or while playback is stopped, you can invite new viewers to watch.
in the toolbar.
If the presentation is playing, first press Esc to stop playback.
Click Invite Viewers, then do one of the following:
Send an invitation with Mail, Messages, AirDrop or an Internet service: Click the name of the service, enter the requested information, then send or post the invitation. (To invite anyone near you who’s on the same Wi-Fi network, you can use AirDrop. To use any other service, you must first set up that account on your Mac. Go to System Preferences, then click Internet Accounts.)
Copy the presentation link to share it in another way: Choose Copy Link, click where you want the link to appear (such as a social networking site or a blog), then choose Edit > Paste (from the Edit menu at the top of your screen).
A link to the presentation appears in the body of the email, tweet or post — make sure you don't delete or modify it.
Click Close.
When you’re ready to play the presentation, click in the toolbar, then click Play on Keynote Live.
Add or change a Keynote Live password
You can add a password to your presentation so that only viewers with the link and password to the presentation can watch it.
in the toolbar.
If the presentation is playing, first press Esc to stop playback.
Click More Options, then do one of the following:
Set a password: Select “Require password”, enter the requested information, then click Set Password.
Change a password: Click Change Password, enter the requested information, then click Change Password.
Remove a password: Deselect “Require password”.
Click Close.
Make sure you send the password to everyone you invited.
Note: This password is required only for viewing the presentation on Keynote Live, and it’s different from passwords you can set to open the presentation and exit the presentation.
Turn off Keynote Live for a presentation
You can stop viewers from seeing a presentation on Keynote Live by turning off Keynote Live for the presentation.
With the presentation open, click
in the toolbar.
Click Turn Off Keynote Live.
The link to the presentation stops working. If you later decide to turn on Keynote Live again for this presentation, the original link will work.
Note: When you play a presentation using Keynote Live, the slides are exported to iCloud as temporary files. To ensure smooth playback, all the files are streamed to viewers’ devices as soon as you start presenting. Only viewers with the Keynote Live link (and password, if you set one) can access these files.
You can also post your presentation on a website that supports embedded Keynote presentations (such as Medium or WordPress) so viewers can navigate through the presentation in a player on the website. To learn how to generate a link to the presentation and to set permissions for viewing it, see Post your presentation in a blog with Keynote on Mac.