Export songs to disk or iCloud from GarageBand on Mac
You can export a project to your computer or a connected storage device as a stereo audio file. If you’ve set up iCloud, you can share songs across all your devices.
Exported audio files can be used with other music applications and devices, posted on the internet (on a web page, or in the Music app, for example), added to a playlist, or uploaded to a mobile device such as an iPhone or iPad.
Tip: You can reduce the processing load in a GarageBand project by exporting selected regions, instruments and effects as a separate audio file, then re-importing that file into your project to replace those items.
Export a song to disk or iCloud
In GarageBand on Mac, choose Share > Export Song to Disk.
To rename the exported file, select the name in the Save As field, then enter a new name.
Choose a location to save the exported file from the Where pop-up menu, or click the down arrow to choose other locations, including your iCloud Drive.
Select the format for the exported file (AAC, MP3, AIFF or WAVE).
Choose the quality setting for the exported file from the Quality pop-up menu.
To export only the part of the project covered by the cycle area, or only the part of the project defined by selected regions, select the “Export cycle area or length of selected regions (if Cycle is turned off)” tickbox.
Click Export.
The entire project, from the beginning to the end of the last region, is exported as an audio file. Any silence at the beginning or end of the project is trimmed.