Use buttons, checkboxes, and other controls
Before you select a button, checkbox, or other UI control, make sure you know where the keyboard focus and VoiceOver cursor are located. For more information, see Hear the current selection.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier.
Select or deselect a checkbox or other control: Press VO-Space bar, or double-tap. If Quick Nav is on, press Up Arrow-Down Arrow.
Hold down a button that’s in the VoiceOver cursor: Press and hold VO-Space bar. To stop holding the button, release the Space bar.
Open a pop-up menu: Press VO-Space bar, or double-tap on the trackpad. If Quick Nav is on, press Up Arrow-Down Arrow.
Adjust a slider, stepper, or splitter: Start interacting with the control (press VO-Shift-Down Arrow, or flick right with two fingers on the trackpad). Then increase or decrease the setting (use the VO and arrow keys, or flick up or down with a single finger on the trackpad). When you’re ready, stop interacting with the control (press VO-Shift-Up Arrow, or flick left with two fingers on the trackpad).