Navigate the HTML
In the Element tab of Web Inspector, you can navigate, filter, and modify the view of the tree outline.
To navigate the HTML elements in the tree outline, press the arrow keys.
Option-click the arrow next to an element to toggle the expansion of its entire subtree.
To search for a specific element, press Command-F, then enter a search string in the field above the tree outline.
To edit an HTML element or to add attributes, double click the element (or select it and press Return). In editing mode, press Tab to edit the next attribute and Shift-tab to edit the previous attribute.
Control-click the selected element in the outline to get context menu items.
To rearrange the elements in the browser window, select and drag an element in the tree outline.
To delete an element in the Safari browser window, select the element in the tree outline, then press Delete.
To hide (but not delete) an element in the Safari browser window, select the HTML element in the tree outline, then press H. To show the element again, press H again.
To jump to any DOM node in the selected element’s path in the tree outline, use the jump bar at the top of the tree outline.