Yamaha DM1000 assignable keys in Logic Pro
The assignable keys can be assigned to the functions outlined in the table.
Note: A modifier button, such as SHIFT/ADD, shown below a control description indicates that the control has an alternate function while the modifier is held down. Modifier buttons that need to be assigned manually by the user are shown with an asterisk (*) that precedes the button name.
Control | Modifier | Assignment |
DAW WIN STATUS | Opens or closes the Project Audio Browser. | |
DAW REC/RDY 1 to 16 | Enables or disables the Record Enable button of the specified channel strip. | |
DAW WIN TRANSPORT | Opens or closes the Control bar window. | |
DAW BANK – | Shifts channel strips by one bank to the left. | |
DAW BANK + | Shifts channel strips by one bank to the right. | |
DAW SHIFT/ADD | Enables a second function/use for some buttons. | |
DAW OPTION/ALL | While held down, Value Change mode is set to Full. Turning the encoder to the right sets the maximum value. Turning it to the left sets the minimum value. The encoder also stops at its default value. Also see description of other buttons. | |
DAW GROUP STATUS | Enters Group Edit mode:
| |
*DAW SHIFT/ADD | Switches the Mixer to show all channel strips that correspond to tracks used in the Tracks window, along with their signal flow. | |
DAW SUSPEND GRP | Enables or disables the Group Clutch. | |
*DAW SHIFT/ADD | Switches the Mixer to show all channel strips that correspond to tracks used in the Tracks window, along with their signal flow. | |
DAW CREATE GROUP | Creates a new group and enters Group Edit mode (see above). | |
*DAW SHIFT/ADD | Switches the Mixer to the All view, displaying all channel strips that exist in your project. The channel strips on your DM1000 device will also reflect the All Channel Strip view. | |
DAW WIN MIX/EDIT | Switches between the Tracks window and the Mixer. | |
DAW CHANNEL - | Shifts channel strips by one channel strip to the left. | |
DAW CHANNEL+ | Shifts channel strips by one channel strip to the right. | |
DAW CTRL/CLUTCH | While held down, all groups are disabled. | |
DAW ALT/FINE | While held down, Value Change mode is set to Fine: value changes work at maximum resolution. Also see description of other buttons. | |
DAW UNDO | Performs an Undo of the last editing operation. | |
*DAW SHIFT/ADD | Performs a Redo of the last Undo operation. | |
*DAW OPTION/ALL | Opens the Undo History window. | |
DAW SAVE | Saves the project. | |
*DAW OPTION/ALL | Performs a Save As operation, allowing you to save the project with a different name. | |
DAW WIN MEM-LOC | Opens or closes the Marker pane in the Lists area. | |
DAW EDIT TOOL | Selects the next tool. While held down, numerical buttons select a specific tool. | |
DAW WIN INSERT | Opens or closes the Sample Editor. | |
DAW REC/RDY ALL | Disables the Record Enable buttons of all channel strips. | |
DAW SCRUB | Enables or disables Scrub mode. | |
DAW SHUTTLE | Enables or disables Shuttle mode. | |
DAW REW | Shuttles backward. | |
DAW FF | Shuttles forward. | |
DAW STOP | Stop | |
DAW PLAY | Play | |
*DAW SHIFT/ADD | Pause | |
DAW REC | Record | |
DAW PRE | Sets the left locator at current playhead position. | |
DAW IN | Sets the punch in locator at current playhead position. | |
DAW OUT | Sets the punch out locator at current playhead position. | |
DAW POST | Sets the right locator at current playhead position. | |
DAW RTZ | Moves the playhead to the left locator position. | |
DAW END | Moves the playhead to the right locator position. | |
DAW ONLINE | Activates or deactivates internal/external synchronization. | |
DAW QUICK PUNCH | Enables or disables Autopunch mode. | |
DAW AUTO FADER | Enables or disables volume automation playback and recording. | |
DAW AUTO PAN | Enables or disables pan automation playback and recording. | |
DAW AUTO PLUGIN | Enables or disables plug-in parameter automation playback and recording. | |
DAW AUTO MUTE | Enables or disables mute automation playback and recording. | |
DAW AUTO SEND | Enables or disables send level automation playback and recording. | |
DAW AUTO WRITE | Sets selected channel strip, or channel strip group, to Write automation mode. While held down, and with the STEREO channel strip AUTO button enabled, sets automation mode to Write. | |
*DAW OPTION/ALL | Sets all channel strips to Write automation mode. | |
DAW AUTO TOUCH | Sets selected channel strip, or channel strip group, to Touch automation mode. While held down, and with the STEREO channel strip AUTO button enabled, sets automation mode to Touch. | |
*DAW OPTION/ALL | Sets all channel strips to Touch automation mode. | |
DAW AUTO LATCH | Sets selected channel strip, or channel strip group, to Latch automation mode. While held down, and with the STEREO channel strip AUTO button enabled, sets automation mode to Latch. | |
*DAW OPTION/ALL | Sets all channel strips to Latch automation mode. | |
DAW AUTO READ | Sets selected channel strip, or channel strip group, to Read automation mode. While held down, and with the STEREO channel strip AUTO button enabled, sets automation mode to Read. | |
*DAW OPTION/ALL | Sets all channel strips to Read automation mode. | |
DAW AUTO OFF | Sets selected channel strip, or channel strip group, to Off automation mode. While held down, and with the STEREO channel strip AUTO button enabled, sets automation mode to Off. | |
*DAW OPTION/ALL | Sets all channel strips to Off automation mode. | |
DAW AUTO STATUS | While held down in Channel Display mode, the display shows the automation mode of the 16 channel strips in the current bank selection. |