Personalize your memories in Photos on iPhone
In the Photos app , you can edit your memories to make them even more personal. Try out Memory mixes, which let you apply different songs with a matching photographic look. You can also choose new songs, edit the title of a memory, change the length, and add, reorder, or remove photos. Apple Music subscribers can add songs from the millions of songs available in the Apple Music catalog.

Add a Memory mix
Memory mixes are curated combinations of different songs, pacing, and styles that change the look and feel of a memory.
Tap For You, then tap a memory to play it.
Tap the screen, then tap
Swipe left to view different Memory mixes.
Tap the screen to apply a Memory mix.
Change the Memory look
Use Memory looks to apply consistent color and style adjustments to all the photos in a memory.
Play a memory, then tap the screen.
, then tap
Tap a Memory look, then tap Done.
Change the music
You can change a memory’s music by choosing from memory soundtracks or Apple Music’s suggested songs. Apple Music subscribers can also access their Apple Music library and view suggested songs based on musical preferences or the content of the memory.
Play a memory, then tap the screen.
, then tap
Apple Music subscribers can tap
to search for songs in the Apple Music library.
Tap a song, then tap Done.
Add or remove photos
You can choose the photos that appear in a memory—add or remove suggested featured photos, or choose photos and videos directly from your library.
Play a memory, then tap the screen.
, tap Manage Photos, then do any of the following:
Add a featured photo: Tap photos in the photo grid that don’t have a checkmark to add them to the memory (photos with a checkmark are already in the memory).
Deselect a photo to remove it from the memory.
Add a photo from your photo library: Tap All, scroll through your library, then tap the photos you want to add.
Search for photos in your photo library: Tap the search bar, then type the name of a person, place, or date. Tap a search result, then tap the photos you want to add.
Tap Done.
Edit the title and subtitle
You can change or edit the title and subtitle of a memory.
in the top-right corner of the memory, then tap Change Title.
Enter the new title or subtitle in the text field, then tap Save.
Reorder photos in a memory
Tap a memory to play it.
While the memory plays, tap the screen, then tap
Touch a photo, then drag it to a new position in the grid.
to return to the memory.
Change the length of a memory
Depending on the number of photos in a memory, you can change the length of a memory to be short, medium, or long.
Play a memory, then tap the screen.
, then tap Short, Medium, or Long.