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Here are some basic techniques for using Switch Control.
While the item is highlighted on Apple TV, trigger the switch you’ve set up as your Select Item switch.
If you’re using a single switch, it functions as the Select Item switch by default.
Choose a command from the control menu that appears when you select the item. The layout of the menu depends on how you configure press behavior.
In Settings on Apple TV, go to Accessibility > Switch Control > Press Behavior and choose an option:
With Default on: The control menu usually includes only the Press button and the More button (two dots at the bottom). If you’re in a scrollable area of the screen, a scroll bar also appears. To press the highlighted item, trigger your Select Item button when Press is highlighted. To see additional action buttons, choose More at the bottom of the menu. If you have multiple switches, you can set one up specifically for pressing.
With Auto Press on: To press the item, do nothing—the item is automatically tapped when the Auto Press interval expires (0.75 seconds if you haven’t changed it). To see the control menu, trigger your Select Item button before the Auto Press interval expires. The control menu skips the Press button and goes right to the full set of action buttons.
With Always Press on: Press to select the highlighted item rather than display the control menu. Wait until the end of the scan cycle, then press a button to display the control menu.
Select an item in a scrollable part of the screen on Apple TV:
With Auto Press off: Choose the Scroll Down button (next to the Press button) in the control menu. Or, for more scrolling options, choose More, then choose Scroll.
With Auto Press on: Choose Scroll from the control menu. If many actions are available, you might have to choose More first.
Press the TV button: Choose Home from the control menu.
On Apple TV, choose Media Controls from the Scanner menu to play, pause, or go backward or forward.
On Apple TV, do one of the following:
Press while the original item is highlighted and all the icons in the control menu are dimmed.
Choose Escape from the control menu.
The menu goes away after cycling the number of times you specify in Settings , at Accessibility > Switch Control > Loops.
On Apple TV, select any item, choose Device from the menu that appears, then use the menu to mimic these actions:
Click the multitasking menu button for multitasking
Press the volume buttons
Triple-click the Back button (Siri Remote 2nd generation or later) or Menu button (Siri Remote 1st generation).