Move photos to a different album in Photos on Mac
You can easily move photos and videos to different albums or folders by dragging. For example, you can select photos in one album and drag them to another album in the sidebar. You can also select photos and transfer them to a new album or an existing album.
If you want to use photos in another app, you must export them to a location in the Finder.
Move photos to another album
In the Photos app
on your Mac, select the photos you want to move.
Do one of the following:
Drag the selected photos to an album in the sidebar.
Control-click one of the selected photos and choose Add To > [album name].
Choose File > New Album with Selection. A new untitled album holding your selection appears in the My Albums section of the sidebar.
Drag the thumbnail in the selection indicator at the top of the window to an album in the sidebar.
Export photos to a folder in the Finder
You can easily move photos to a folder in the Finder so that you can use them with another app. Copies of the photos are placed in the Finder (and take up more disk space).
In the Photos app
on your Mac, select the photos you want to export.
Drag your selection to a folder in the Finder or choose File > Export > Export Photos.
For more information about exporting photos out of the Photos app, see Export photos, videos, and slideshows.