Quick Sampler LFO controls in MainStage
Quick Sampler features two identical LFO units. Click the tab at the top of the modulation pane to choose LFO 1 or LFO 2.
You can use the LFO units to modulate, or control, other parameters. Parameters that are modulation targets are indicated by a white dot when a note is played. The modulation range is shown as an orange ring around target parameters.
If you’re new to synthesizers and the concepts behind modulation generators, such as LFOs and envelopes, see Synthesizer basics overview.

Quick Sampler LFO parameters
On/Off button: Turn the LFO on or off.
LFO Rate knob and field: Set the LFO modulation speed. Values are in hertz, or cycles per second. When the Sync button is enabled, bar or beat values—synchronized with the project tempo—are shown.
Sync button: Enable or disable synchronization of the LFO with the project tempo. The Sync button note icon is highlighted when active.
Fade Mode button: Choose either Fade In or Fade Out. You set the fade in or out time with the Fade Time knob.
Fade Time knob and field: Set the time it takes for the LFO modulation to fade in or fade out.
Phase knob and field: Set the LFO waveform start point when a new key is struck. Set Trigger Mode to Poly to make effective use of this parameter.
Waveform pop-up menu: Set the waveform type used by the LFO.
Polarity button: Enable bipolar or unipolar LFO waveform cycles.
Mode button: Choose a mode to define the LFO trigger behavior.
Poly: The LFO modulates each voice independently.
Mono: The LFO modulates all voices in the same way. You must release all notes before the LFO can be retriggered. If you play legato, or any key is held, the LFO does not restart from the beginning of the waveform cycle.
Key Trigger button: Turn on to reset the LFO cycle to its start point, which you set with the Phase parameter, when a key is played.
Amount slider: Set the amount of LFO modulation. When via is used, you can set the minimum and maximum modulation amount with two Amount slider handles. You can choose a second modulation source from the Via pop-up menu, which is used to control the modulation amount of the LFO.
Via pop-up menu: Choose a modulation source to control the amount of LFO modulation.
When a via source is active, two handles are shown for the Amount slider.
Use the left Amount slider handle to set the minimum LFO amount.
Use the right Amount slider handle to set the maximum LFO amount, controlled by the via source.
You can drag either Amount slider handle to change values and to increase the modulation range between the slider handles. You can also directly drag the modulation range area to move both Amount sliders.
Target pop-up menu: Choose a modulation target for the LFO.
Set up an LFO modulation routing
The LFOs each feature an independent modulation routing of any target, with further control available through use of a via modulation source. You can use the LFOs as modulation sources for other target parameters in the Mod Matrix pane.
In either LFO pane:
Choose a modulation target for the LFO from the Target pop-up menu.
Set the amount of LFO modulation with the Amount slider.
You can also choose a second modulation source from the via pop-up menu, which is used to control the modulation amount, or range, of the LFO.
Choose a modulation source from the via pop-up menu.
When a via source is active, two handles are shown for the Amount slider.
Use the left Amount slider handle to set the minimum LFO amount.
Use the right Amount slider handle to set the maximum LFO amount, controlled by the via source.
You can drag either Amount slider handle to change values and to increase the modulation range between the slider handles. You can also directly drag the modulation range area to move both Amount sliders.