Use macOS Recovery on a Mac with Apple silicon
macOS Recovery is the built-in recovery system on your Mac.
You can use the apps in macOS Recovery on a Mac with Apple silicon to repair your internal storage, reinstall macOS, restore your files from a Time Machine backup, set the security policy for different volumes, transfer files between two Mac computers, start up in safe mode, and more.
Reinstalling macOS requires an internet connection. To connect to the internet, you can use a wireless or wired network connection. If you’re trying to connect to Wi-Fi through a captive portal (for example, at a coffee shop, library, or hotel) or an enterprise network, you might not be able to access the internet in macOS Recovery. See Connect to the internet using Wi-Fi.
Note: If you want to get your Mac ready to trade in, sell, or give away, use Erase Assistant in macOS. To use Erase Assistant, start up your computer in macOS, choose Apple menu in the sidebar (you may need to scroll down), click “Transfer or Reset” on the right, click the Erase All Content and Settings button, then follow the onscreen instructions.
Apps available in macOS Recovery on a Mac with Apple silicon
The following apps are available in macOS Recovery on a Mac with Apple silicon:
Recovery: The Recovery app provides access to additional apps in macOS Recovery. See Start up your computer in macOS Recovery, Start up your computer in macOS Recovery and pair Bluetooth input devices, and Quit macOS Recovery.
Time Machine System Restore: Restore your data from a Time Machine backup. In the Recovery app, select “Restore from Time Machine,” then click Continue. To return to the Recovery app, choose Time Machine System Restore > Quit Time Machine System Restore. See Use Time Machine to restore your files.
Install macOS: Reinstall macOS on your computer. In the Recovery app, select Reinstall macOS [name], then click Continue. To return to the Recovery app, choose Install macOS [name] > Quit Install macOS. See Reinstall macOS.
Safari: In the Recovery app, select Safari, then click Continue. To return to the Recovery app, choose Safari > Quit Safari. If you’re connected to the internet, you can use Safari to search for more information on the Apple Support website.
Disk Utility: Repair or erase your internal storage. In the Recovery app, select Disk Utility, then click Continue. To return to the Recovery app, choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility. See Erase and reinstall macOS and Repair your internal storage.
Startup Security Utility: Set the security policies for your Mac. In the Recovery app, choose Utilities > Startup Security Utility. To return to the Recovery app, choose Startup Disk > Quit Startup Disk. See Change the security policy.
Terminal: Change settings via the command line. In the Recovery app, choose Utilities > Terminal. To return to the Recovery app, choose Terminal > Quit Terminal.
Share Disk: Share the disk of a Mac that’s started up in macOS Recovery. In the Recovery app, choose Utilities > Share Disk. See Use Share Disk to transfer files between two Mac computers.
Startup Disk: Set the startup disk for the Mac. Choose Apple menu
> Startup Disk. To quit the app, choose Startup Disk > Quit Startup Disk.
You can also use macOS Recovery to perform the following tasks:
Start up your computer in macOS Recovery
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> Shut Down.Wait for your Mac to shut down completely. A Mac is completely shut down when the screen is black and any lights (including in the Touch Bar and keyboard) are off.
Press and hold the power button on your Mac until the system volume and the Options button appear.
Click the Options button, then click Continue.
If asked, select a volume to recover, then click Next.
Select an administrator account, then click Next.
Enter the password for the administrator account, then click Continue.
When the Recovery app appears in the menu bar, you can choose any of the available options in the window or the menu bar.
Start up your computer in macOS Recovery and pair Bluetooth input devices
Follow these instructions if you need to pair a Bluetooth® keyboard, trackpad, or mouse with your Mac when you start up in macOS Recovery.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> Shut Down.Wait for your Mac to shut down completely. A Mac is completely shut down when the screen is black and any lights (including in the Touch Bar and keyboard) are off.
Press and hold the power button on your Mac until the system volume and the Options button appear.
Press the power button three times.
Note: Each press of the power button needs to be made within 1 second after the previous press. If you press the power button too fast it won’t register because rapid presses are reserved for other purposes, such as VoiceOver.
Use Bluetooth Setup Assistant to pair your Bluetooth accessories with your Mac.
Note: You don’t see Bluetooth Setup Assistant if you already have an input device connected.
Select an administrator account, then click Next.
Enter the password for the administrator account, then click Continue.
When the Recovery app appears in the menu bar, you can choose any of the available options in the window or the menu bar.
Start up your computer in safe mode
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> Shut Down.Wait for your Mac to shut down completely. A Mac is completely shut down when the screen is black and any lights (including in the Touch Bar and keyboard) are off.
Press and hold the power button on your Mac until the system volume and the Options button appear.
Select a volume.
Press and hold the Shift key, then click Continue in Safe Mode.
The computer restarts automatically.
Set the default startup volume and restart your computer
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> Shut Down.Wait for your Mac to shut down completely. A Mac is completely shut down when the screen is black and any lights (including in the Touch Bar and keyboard) are off.
Press and hold the power button on your Mac until the system volume and the Options button appear.
Select a volume.
Press and hold the Option key, then click Always Use.
The computer restarts automatically.
Connect to the internet using Wi-Fi
If the Wi-Fi menu icon (in the upper-right corner of the screen) contains one or more bars , Wi-Fi is turned on and connected to a wireless network. If the Wi-Fi menu icon doesn’t contain any bars
, Wi-Fi is turned on but isn’t connected to a wireless network. If the Wi-Fi menu icon has a slash through it
, Wi-Fi is turned off. Wi-Fi needs to be turned on before you can join a wireless network.
On your Mac, do any of the following:
Turn on Wi-Fi: Click the Wi-Fi menu icon, then choose Turn Wi-Fi On.
Turn off Wi-Fi: Click the Wi-Fi menu icon, then choose Turn Wi-Fi Off.
Join a network: Click the Wi-Fi menu icon, then choose a network. If requested, type the network’s password.
Join a closed network: Click the Wi-Fi menu icon, then choose Join Other Network. Enter the network’s name and, if requested, the network’s password.
Repair your internal storage
If you have issues with your computer or if you started your computer and the macOS Recovery window appeared, you may need to repair your computer’s internal storage.
In the Recovery app, select Disk Utility, then click Continue.
In the Disk Utility app, choose View > Show All Devices.
In the sidebar, select a volume, then click the First Aid button
In the First Aid dialog, click Run, then follow the onscreen instructions.
When the First Aid process is complete, click Done.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each volume on the storage device.
In the sidebar, select a container, then click the First Aid button
In the First Aid dialog, click Run, then follow the onscreen instructions.
When the First Aid process is complete, click Done.
Repeat steps 7 through 9 for each container on the storage device.
In the sidebar, select the storage device, then click the First Aid button
In the First Aid dialog, click Run, then follow the onscreen instructions.
When the First Aid process is complete, click Done.
If Disk Utility can’t repair your disk, back up as much of your information as possible, then follow the instructions in Erase and reinstall macOS.
To return to the Recovery app, choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility.
Use Time Machine to restore your files
If you previously created a Time Machine backup, you can restore your files from the backup.
Important: Only use your Time Machine backup to restore information to the computer that is the source of the backup. If you want to transfer information from this Mac to a new computer, quit macOS Recovery, restart your Mac, then use the Migration Assistant app in macOS.
If your backup is on a Time Capsule, make sure you’re connected to the internet.
In the Recovery app, select “Restore from Time Machine,” then click Continue.
In the Time Machine System Restore app, follow the onscreen instructions.
Reinstall macOS
Under some circumstances, you may need to reinstall macOS. You can reinstall macOS while keeping your files and user settings intact.
Make sure you’re connected to the internet.
In the Recovery app, click Reinstall macOS [name], then click Continue.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Important: When you’re asked to select a disk, select your current macOS disk (in most cases, it’s the only one available).
Erase and reinstall macOS
If you erase and reinstall macOS, your user accounts, network settings, and all of the files and folders on your Mac are deleted. Before you erase macOS, attempt to log back in to your system, then back up any files you want to keep by copying them to another storage device. Also, write down your network settings from Network settings to make it easier to get connected again after reinstalling macOS.
Note: When you erase and reinstall macOS, a previous version of macOS may be installed. To upgrade from the installed version to the latest version of macOS, go to Apple menu in the sidebar (you may need to scroll down), then click Software Update on the right.
Make sure you’re connected to the internet.
In the Recovery app, click Disk Utility, then click Continue.
In Disk Utility, select the volume you want to erase in the sidebar, then click the Erase button in the toolbar.
Type a name for the volume in the Name field.
Click the Format pop-up menu, choose APFS, then click Erase Volume Group.
When the erase process is complete, click Done, then choose Disk Utility > Quit Disk Utility.
In the Recovery app, click Reinstall macOS [name], click Continue, then follow the onscreen instructions.
Change the security policy
In the Recovery app, choose Utilities > Startup Security Utility.
Select the system you want to use to set the security policy.
If the disk is encrypted, click Unlock, enter the password, then click Unlock.
Click Security Policy.
Select one of the following security options:
Full Security: Ensures that only your current OS, or signed operating system software currently trusted by Apple, can run. This mode requires a network connection at software installation time.
Reduced Security: Allows any version of signed operating system software ever trusted by Apple to run.
If you selected Reduced Security, select any of the following options, if needed:
Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers: Allow installation of software that uses legacy kernel extensions.
Allow remote management of kernel extensions and automatic software updates: Authorize remote management of legacy kernel extensions and software updates using a mobile device management (MDM) solution.
Click OK.
If you changed the security policy, click the User pop-up menu, choose an administrator account, enter the password for the administrator account, then click OK.
Choose Apple menu
> Restart.You must restart your Mac for the changes to take effect.
Use Share Disk to transfer files between two Mac computers
You can transfer files between a Mac booted into macOS Recovery and another Mac by sharing a volume and connecting the two computers with a USB, USB-C, or Thunderbolt cable.
Connect the two computers with a USB, USB-C, or Thunderbolt cable.
In the Recovery app, choose Utilities > Share Disk.
Select the volume you want to share, then click Start Sharing.
On the other Mac, open a Finder window, then click Network in the sidebar under Locations.
In the Network window, double-click the Mac that has the shared disk, click Connect As, select Guest in the Connect As window, then click Connect.
Transfer the files.
When you’re done transferring files, eject the volume on the other Mac.
In the Share Disk app, click Stop Sharing.
Choose Share Disk > Quit Share Disk.
View the recovery log
The recovery log contains messages logged by macOS Recovery. You can specify the types of messages to display, filter messages to search for specific text, and save the recovery log to a file.
In the Recovery app, choose Window > Recovery Log.
Click the Detail Level pop-up menu, then choose which messages to display:
Show Errors Only: Choose this option to display only error messages.
Show Errors and Progress: Choose this option to display error messages and progress messages.
Show All Logs: Choose this option to display all messages.
To filter messages, type the text you want to search for in the Filter field.
To save the recovery log, click the Save button, choose a location for the file, then click Save.
When you’re finished viewing the recovery log, click the Close button
in the top-left corner of the window.
Create a recovery diagnostics file
If you file a problem report using Feedback Assistant, you may be asked to provide a recovery diagnostics file. You can create the file and save it to an external storage device.
Connect an external storage device to your Mac.
Press Control-Option-Shift-Command-Period.
After the screen flashes, wait a few moments until a dialog appears.
Use the dialog to save the recovery diagnostics file to a location on your external storage device.
Quit macOS Recovery
Your Mac restarts automatically while restoring your system from Time Machine or reinstalling macOS. In other cases, you need to quit macOS Recovery manually (for example, if you want to back up your files before reinstalling macOS, or if you just changed a setting using Startup Security Utility).
On your Mac, do one of the following:
Restart your Mac: Choose Apple menu
> Restart.Choose a different startup disk before restarting your Mac: Choose Apple menu
> Startup Disk, select a startup disk, then click Restart.Shut down your Mac: Choose Apple menu
> Shut Down.