Respond to requests for more time in Screen Time on Mac
When your child reaches a time limit in a restricted app, they can either stop using the app, or ask you to allow more time.
Respond to a child’s request for more time directly on their device
You can approve a child’s request for more time directly on their device, even if you’re not using Family Sharing.
On the child’s device, open the blocked app, then click or tap Ask for More Time.
Click or tap Enter Screen Time Passcode, then enter the Screen Time passcode.
Do one of the following:
Allow the app for 15 more minutes: Click or tap “Approve for 15 minutes.”
Allow the app for another hour: Click or tap “Approve for an hour.”
Allow the app for the rest of the day: Click or tap “Approve all day.”
Respond to a child’s request for more time on your Mac
If you’re using Family Sharing, you can respond to requests for more time from your Mac.
On your Mac, log in to your Mac user account, then make sure you’re signed in with your Apple ID.
Choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Screen Timein the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)
Click the Family Member pop-up menu on the right, then choose the child that requested more time.
Click Requests, then do one of the following:
Approve the request: Click the Approve pop-up menu, then choose an option.
Deny the request: Click Don’t Approve.
Enter the Screen Time passcode.
You can also approve or deny requests for more time directly from Messages and from notifications, depending on how you set up Screen Time notifications in Notifications settings.
Note: To respond to requests for more time in Messages, all parents and guardians must update all devices that are signed in with their Apple ID (Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch) to macOS Ventura, iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and watchOS 8. Children must have iMessage set to start new conversations from their Apple ID (instead of a phone number), and request more time from an iPhone or iPad.