Share and sync recordings in Voice Memos on iPod touch
In the Voice Memos app , you can share individual recordings, save them in iCloud so they’re available on your other devices, and sync them with your iTunes library on your computer.
Share a recording
In your Voice Memos list, tap a saved recording.
, then choose a sharing option, or save the recording to iCloud Drive.
Use Voice Memos in iCloud
Go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud, then turn on Voice Memos.
With Voice Memos turned on in iCloud, your audio recordings are synced across all your devices where you’re signed in to iCloud with the same Apple ID (they appear in your Voice Memos list). You can use your iOS device to capture audio, then use your Mac to edit your recordings, incorporate them in other media, share them, and so on.
Sync recordings with iTunes
If you choose not to sync your Voice Memos using iCloud, you can sync them to your computer using iTunes.
Connect iPod touch to your computer.
Open iTunes on your computer, then select your iPod touch near the top-left corner.
Click Music in the sidebar.
Select Sync Music, make sure Include Voice Memos is selected, then click Sync.
Voice memos synced from iPod touch to your computer appear in the Voice Memos list in iTunes. Voice memos synced from your computer appear in your Voice Memos app on iPod touch, but not in the Music app.