Get started with app playgrounds in Swift Playground on Mac
In Swift Playground, you can start learning how to build apps by downloading and walking through the tutorials Get Started with Apps and Keep Going with Apps in the More Playgrounds window. You can use what you learn from those tutorials as a basis for building your own apps.
In the Swift Playground app
on your Mac, click Learn to Code in the welcome window.
If you’re working in a playground, choose Window > Welcome to Swift Playground, then click Learn to Code.
Click a tutorial in the Learn to Code & Build Apps section to view a description. They’re designed to help you learn the basics of coding and prepare you to create apps of your own.
To see more tutorials, scroll right.
These tutorials are especially helpful for learning to create apps using SwiftUI:
Get Started with Apps: Learn the fundamentals of app building using SwiftUI—the framework used by professionals to create apps with beautiful user interfaces. Tutorials walk you through how to declare views, place images and text, deploy useful modifiers, and understand the power of composability.
Keep Going with Apps: Build on the fundamentals you learned in Get Started with Apps. First, learn to use SwiftUI to manage your app state. This allows automatic UI updates with state changes. Next, discover how to switch user views and share data across them. Finally, manage view layout by using padding, spacers, and alignment.
to return to the More Playgrounds window, then click Get to download the playground to your Mac.
Double-click the playground to open it.
When you want to look at more sample code, you can download and open the apps in the App Gallery and Extend Your App sections. The results of the code in an app appear automatically in the App Preview on the right side of the window. (If you don’t see the App Preview, click at the top right.)

To learn about a code element in the coding area, Control-click it, then choose Help (if it’s available).
When you’re ready, try adding your own code in an app to see how the App Preview changes.