If you want to replace specific text that appears in multiple places in your document, you can add the replacement text to your computer’s Keyboard settings, then use the Substitutions window to replace the text wherever it occurs.
With the document open, choose Edit > Substitutions > Show Substitutions (from the Edit menu at the top of your screen).
In the Substitutions window, select the Text Replacement checkbox, then click Text Settings.
macOS Ventura 13 or later: In the Keyboard setting, go to Text Input, then click Text Replacements.
macOS 12 or earlier: In Keyboard preferences, click Text.
Click , then type the text you want to replace (such as change) in the Replace field.
Type the word you want to replace it with (such as modify) in the With field.
After your last entry, click Done, then close the settings window.
Do one of the following:
Replace all occurrences of the text: In the Substitutions window, click Replace All. If you have other substitutions in Keyboard settings, they are also applied to your document.
Apply replacements to specific text: Select the text you want to modify, then in the Substitutions window click Replace in Selection.
Note: Text replacement options in Keyboard settings apply to other applications on your computer, such as TextEdit, Numbers, and Keynote, when they have text substitution turned on.