Overview of recording hardware setup for Impulse Response Utility
Prior to using Impulse Response Utility to create an impulse response, you must set up your recording hardware to allow playback and recording of sine sweeps generated in Impulse Response Utility.
The impulse response of a space is never limited to the impulse response of only that space. The recorded impulse response is always the response of the complete system—every piece of equipment you use in the recording process. This includes, in signal-flow order:
the digital-to-analog converter
the amplifier and speakers (or powered speakers)
the room characteristics
the microphones
the microphone preamp and analog-to-digital converter
Of these elements, the choices of microphones and speakers are the most critical.
There are no rules as to which brand or make of microphone or speaker will result in the best impulse response. A general guideline is to use speakers and microphones with a flat response—the speakers and microphones should offer a very even signal at all frequencies. Tube microphones, which are generally valued for the tonal color that they add to the signal, may not be appropriate for recording impulse responses. In general, microphones that work well for recording ambience are good candidates.
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Impulse Response Utility User Guide: Apple Books